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Posts posted by notting

  1. Good day Admins of 747,

    I won a smartphone on the mega raffle up until now i haven't receive any updates from the courier itself. Is there a number that we can contact and ask for the tracking number? I haven't received anything yet. 


    Thank You!

  2. Many of our players decided to play on other online casino sites. We're losing players as well and getting them back to trust us again is hard, given this incident. Even if you give out free chips(which i highly doubt will happen). They're not gonna be playing with us soon. I know that it caused you a lot too on your end but you know too well that it's so hard to build a network of active players nowadays. 

  3. hi good day, it's been hours since the maintenance started and we are fully aware that you're addressing the issue. Do you have like a specific time frame for it so that we can explain it to our players?

    Thank you in advance! 💗

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